Brendan Niroula - Team Lead

To give you an idea of who I am as a person, I love traveling, playing games and solving problems. My favorite place I have ever traveled to is Hawaii which can be seen in my photo above. I mainly play PC games but I also enjoy console on occasion. Solving problems has always been a part of my nature. If you put a challenge in front of me, I cannot rest until I solve it. My favorite language to code in is Java but I am always excited to learn new ones. As Team Leader, I am very excited to see this project through to the end. My team members are a great bunch and I am very confident that our final product will be amazing.
Ali Al Ahbabi - Developer
I am an international student from the United Arab Emirates. Photography is my passion, especially nature photography. As a software student, I spent a lot of time sitting in front of a screen; however, I like outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing. My goal in life is to visit as many new places as possible. I am really looking forward to develop a great product with my team.
Jian Kai Lee - Developer

I am majoring in Softare Engineering.I have experience in Java,JavaScript, C, C++. Beside that, I have some exprience in mobile application development. I am always interested in learning new technologies. I am excited to gain more experience in smart glass technologies
Zechen Huang - Developer

I am Zechen Huang. My major is Software Engineering, and I have experience with C, C++, Python, Java, and verilog. I am familiar with database and backend server. I like to learn new technologies, and want to use them in my new project or work.